World Bank

Corporate Scorecards Report


World Bank: Keeping Score

The Corporate Scorecards of the World Bank Group (WBG) provide a snapshot of results and performance indicators of the Group’s three institutions: The World Bank (WB), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). The Scorecards are critical tools for monitoring the WBG’s performance in key global and institutional priority areas.

Our Partership
Base Three has been working with the World Bank OPCS team since 2015 to update their bi-annual Corporate Scorecards. This report visually presents the key results of the performance of the World Bank, IFC and MIGA, so choosing the right messaging and presenting the data objectively and effectively is essential in this sensitive process.

The layout, structure and visual data of the Corporate Scorecards are designed to fit the institution’s accountability framework whether it is being used by the Board, WBG management or the public.
Our Expertise
Research and Analysis
Strategy and Messaging
Report Design
Report Typesetting
Infographics Design
Data Visualization