World Bank

PPIAF Project Info Sheets


World Bank: The Power of Partnerships

The Public–Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a multi-donor technical assistance facility that was established in 1999 to increase private sector participation in emerging markets. Housed in the World Bank, their mission is to help eliminate poverty and increase shared prosperity in developing countries by facilitating private sector investment in infrastructure.

Our Partership
The World Bank’s PPIAF knows the strategic value of high-impact partnerships. They reached out to Base Three to create a template and fact sheets that visually illustrate PPIAF’s positive impact in both Fragile and Conflict-Affected States as well as countries eligible for support from the International Development Agency.

We worked closely with the PIAFF team to distill the data and highlight the stories that best represent their global work. We created visually engaging fact sheets that illustrate the significance of their partnerships and convey the positive impact that PPIAF has in some of the most fragile countries and regions.
Our Input
Infographic Design
Data Visualization