ICF International

Energy Portfolio Presentation


ICF: Growing Their Pipeline

ICF’s energy solutions and services group provides strategic planning, data analysis and implementation services for every aspect of the energy industry. As their business grows and develops, the need for refined messaging and customized presentations grows as well.

Our Partnership
ICF International commissioned Base Three to create a marketing pitch deck to help them grow their business. ICF needed help with the presentation strategy and creation of a slide deck that would be both customizable and flexible, allowing for different departments to use it as an impactful tool for their marketing and sales purposes.

We started with two weeks of interviews that led to a solid structure upon which we built the core set of slides: Who We Are, What We Offer, and Why Hire Us. We then developed a customizable set of project and insight pages so ICF could use templates to incorporate different areas of expertise. The final product was an easy to use tool used by both experts and business developers to further the mission of ICF in the energy field.
Our Input
Storyline and Content Writing
Presentation Design
Infographics Design
Presentation Animation